For our english-speaking friends.
Our Tattoo Studio in Dresden is an award winning artist for Realistic Color and Realistic Black and Gray Tattoos.
It looks real: there is an emotional investment behind each portrait. It is a particularly responsible mission for us tattoo artists.
Strong contrasts
Black and grey artistic tattoos
David breathes life into his subjects without using many colours. His goal is the colour contrast which made him one of the specialists of Realistic Black and Grey Tattoos.
David discovered his passion for the body art thanks to a friend. He did not only want to be tattooed but he also wanted to create personal works of art and make people happy with them.
2012 David started to learn by himself how to make tattoos and then quickly set up the Tattoo Studio Bunte Tinte and is now its director.
Realistic Coulour Tattoos and Watercolour Tattoos with loving attention to detail and feminine sensitivity. Lui let a rainbow even appear colourless.
Real or abstract
Our expert of bright colours
Since 2013 a female presence warms up Bunte Tinte Studio Dresden. Lui became part of the team and she does not only bring life but also colours to the studio. The front desk girl quickly discovered what she is made of: she has talent with tattoo needles.
David - the director of Bunte Tinte - was her teacher. The diligent pupil became quickly an expert of the bright paint pots.
Realistic Colour Tattoos and Watercolour Tattoos are her hobbies. With loving attention to detail and feminine sensitivity. Thanks to Lui a rainbow is colourless if compared to your coloured skin.
Ask for an appointment.
Ask for an appointment
Our consultation hours in the studio are:
Wednesday 4 - 6 pm
Friday 4 - 6 pm